The Internet’s 100 Favourite Films
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There is no shortage of lists proclaiming “the greatest films ever made” out there — indeed, i have one of my very own. This one, however, is a little different: much like my attempt for albums, it takes the top ranked films from seventeen different film-fanatic websites around the world* and puts them all together to determine… wait for it… The Internet’s 100 Favourite Films™! I have, admittedly, done some jiggery-pokery with the weighting of different sources to make the list a wee bit more representative; this is probably the best you’re going to get unless you want the whole list to be taken up by Marvel and Disney. ;)
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1. The Godfather - Francis Ford Coppola
- 1972
- 2h55m
2. The Godfather: Part II - Francis Ford Coppola
- 1974
- 3h22m
3. Pulp Fiction - Quentin Tarantino
- 1994
- 2h34m
4. The Shawshank Redemption - Frank Darabont
- 1994
- 2h22m
5. Twelve Angry Men - Sidney Lumet
- 1957
- 1h36m
6. 2001: A Space Odyssey -
- Stanley Kubrick
- 1968
- 2h29m
7. 七人の侍 Seven Samurai - Kurosawa Akira
- 1954
- 3h27m
8. Apocalypse Now - Francis Ford Coppola
- 1979
- 2h27m
9. Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - Sergio Leone
- 1966
- 2h28m
10. Goodfellas - Martin Scorsese
- 1990
- 2h25m
11. 千と千尋の神隠し Spirited Away - Miyazaki Hayao
- 2001
- 2h05m
12. Schindler’s List - Steven Spielberg
- 1993
- 3h15m
13. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest - Miloš Forman
- 1975
- 2h13m
14. Taxi Driver - Martin Scorsese
- 1976
- 1h54m
15. Citizen Kane - Orson Welles
- 1941
- 1h59m
16. Psycho - Alfred Hitchcock
- 1960
- 1h49m
17. Fight Club - David Fincher
- 1999
- 2h19m
18. Vertigo - Alfred Hitchcock
- 1958
- 2h08m
19. The Empire Strikes Back - Irvin Kershner
- 1980
- 2h04m
20. The Dark Knight -
- Christopher Nolan
- 2008
- 2h32m
21. Иди и смотри Come and See - Elem Klimov
- 1985
- 2h22m
22. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - Peter Jackson
- 2003
- 3h21m
23. C’era una volta il West Once Upon a Time in the West - Sergio Leone
- 1968
- 2h46m
24. Alien -
- Ridley Scott
- 1979
- 1h57m
25. 切腹 Hara-kiri - Kobayashi Masaki
- 1962
- 2h13m
26. Сталкер Stalker - Andrei Tarkovsky
- 1979
- 2h41m
27. The Shining - Stanley Kubrick
- 1980
- 2h26m
28. Blade Runner -
- Ridley Scott
- 1982
- 1h57m
29. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - Peter Jackson
- 2001
- 2h58m
30. Persona - Ingmar Bergman
- 1966
- 1h25m
31. Rear Window - Alfred Hitchcock
- 1954
- 1h52m
32. Sunset Boulevard - Billy Wilder
- 1950
- 1h40m
33. City Lights - Charlie Chaplin
- 1931
- 1h27m
34. 기생충 Parasite - Bong Joon-ho
- 2019
- 2h12m
35. Dr Strangelove or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb -
- Stanley Kubrick
- 1964
- 1h35m
36. Cidade de Deus City of God - Fernando Meirelles & Katia Lund
- 2002
- 2h10m
37. A Clockwork Orange - Stanley Kubrick
- 1971
- 2h16m
38. Forrest Gump - Robert Zemeckis
- 1994
- 2h22m
39. Casablanca - Michael Curtiz
- 1942
- 1h42m
40. Se7en - David Fincher
- 1995
- 2h07m
41. 東京物語 Tokyo Story - Ozu Yasujirō
- 1953
- 2h16m
42. The Silence of the Lambs - Jonathan Demme
- 1991
- 1h58m
43. Modern Times - Charlie Chaplin
- 1936
- 1h27m
44. The Matrix - Lana & Lilly Wachowski
- 1999
- 2h16m
45. 8½ - Federico Fellini
- 1963
- 2h18m
46. Star Wars - George Lucas
- 1977
- 2h01m
47. It’s a Wonderful Life - Frank Capra
- 1946
- 2h10m
48. 花樣年華 In the Mood for Love - Wong Kar-wai
- 2000
- 1h38m
49. Mulholland Drive - David Lynch
- 2001
- 2h26m
50. M - Fritz Lang
- 1931
- 1h57m
51. もののけ姫 Princess Mononoke - Miyazaki Hayao
- 1997
- 2h14m
52. 生きる Ikiru - Kurosawa Akira
- 1952
- 2h23m
53. There Will Be Blood - Paul Thomas Anderson
- 2007
- 2h38m
54. Андрей Рублёв Andrei Rublev - Andrei Tarkovsky
- 1966
- 3h25m
55. Ladri di biciclette Bicycle Thieves - Vittorio De Sica
- 1948
- 1h29m
56. La Passion de Jeanne d’Arc The Passion of Joan of Arc - Carl Theodor Dreyer
- 1928
- 1h50m
57. Singin’ in the Rain - Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly
- 1952
- 1h43m
58. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans - F.W. Murnau
- 1927
- 1h35m
59. C’era una volta in America Once Upon a Time in America - Sergio Leone
- 1984
- 3h49m
60. Det sjunde inseglet The Seventh Seal - Ingmar Bergman
- 1957
- 1h36m
61. The Apartment - Billy Wilder
- 1960
- 2h05m
62. Barry Lyndon -
- Stanley Kubrick
- 1975
- 3h05m
63. Back to the Future - Robert Zemeckis
- 1985
- 1h56m
64. Chinatown - Roman Polanski
- 1974
- 2h10m
65. Terminator 2: Judgement Day - James Cameron
- 1991
- 2h17m
66. 天国と地獄 High and Low - Kurosawa Akira
- 1963
- 2h23m
67. 羅生門 Rashōmon - Kurosawa Akira
- 1950
- 1h28m
68. Raging Bull - Martin Scorsese
- 1980
- 2h09m
69. 火垂るの墓 Grave of the Fireflies - Takahata Isao
- 1988
- 1h29m
70. Lawrence of Arabia - David Lean
- 1962
- 3h38m
71. Whiplash - Damien Chazelle
- 2014
- 1h46m
72. Metropolis - Fritz Lang
- 1927
- 2h33m
73. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Michel Gondry
- 2004
- 1h48m
74. Les quatre cents coups The Four Hundred Blows - François Truffaut
- 1959
- 1h39m
75. Зеркало Mirror - Andrei Tarkovsky
- 1975
- 1h46m
76. The Great Dictator -
- Charlie Chaplin
- 1940
- 2h05m
77. Inception -
- Christopher Nolan
- 2010
- 2h28m
78. The Thing - John Carpenter
- 1982
- 1h49m
79. North by Northwest - Alfred Hitchcock
- 1959
- 2h16m
80. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - Peter Jackson
- 2002
- 2h59m
81. Raiders of the Lost Ark - Steven Spielberg
- 1981
- 1h55m
82. Reservoir Dogs - Quentin Tarantino
- 1992
- 1h39m
83. Some Like It Hot - Billy Wilder
- 1959
- 2h01m
84. The Third Man - Carol Reed
- 1949
- 1h44m
85. Interstellar -
- Christopher Nolan
- 2014
- 2h49m
86. Paths of Glory - Stanley Kubrick
- 1957
- 1h28m
87. Paris, Texas -
- Wim Wenders
- 1984
- 2h27m
88. The Big Lebowski - Ethan & Joel Coen
- 1998
- 1h57m
89. 乱 Ran - Kurosawa Akira
- 1985
- 2h40m
90. 올드보이 Oldboy - Park Chan-wook
- 2003
- 2h00m
91. となりのトトロ My Neighbour Totoro - Miyazaki Hayao
- 1988
- 1h26m
92. Double Indemnity - Billy Wilder
- 1944
- 1h47m
93. Fargo - Ethan & Joel Coen
- 1996
- 1h38m
94. No Country for Old Men - Ethan & Joel Coen
- 2007
- 2h02m
95. Fanny & Alexander - Ingmar Bergman
- 1982
- 5h12m
96. La battaglia di Algeri The Battle of Algiers - Gillo Pontecorvo
- 1966
- 2h01m
97. Inglourious Basterds - Quentin Tarantino
- 2009
- 2h33m
98. The Night of the Hunter - Charles Laughton
- 1955
- 1h32m
99. La vita è bella Life is Beautiful - Roberto Benigni
- 1997
- 1h56m
100. Portrait de la jeune fille en feu Portrait of a Lady on Fire - Céline Sciamma
- 2019
- 2h00m
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